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Filum System®

Published by at 3 February, 2014

At the “Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona”, we have designed the “Filum System®”, a guideline for the diagnosis, treatment and patient care for individuals affected by the filum terminale diseases: Arnold Chiari I Syndrome, idiopathic Syringomyelia, idiopathic Scoliosis, Platybasia, Basilar Impression, Odontoid Process, Kinking of the brainstem, nocturnal Enuresis.

After 35 years of research in co-operation with the professorship for anatomy and embryology of the medicine faculty of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, we have discovered many and new concepts regarding the aetiology and treatment of these different diseases that were considered to be idiopathic up to date.

Over a time of 20 years we have published more than 400 pages approved by different doctoral thesis committees, as well as technical and ethical committees in the speciality of neurology and neurosurgery, contributing sufficient scientific, medical and ethical criteria in order to accredit our work.

Currently we have evidence that our research and publications have neither been understood nor applied correctly, creating a disrepute that is contrary to the interest of the patients.

In order to assure a rigourous application and transferral of all the knowledge gathered over the years, we have designed an approach or set of etiopathogenic, diagnostic, medical treatment, surgical and rehabilitation guidelines for an ensemble of very diverse, until now idiopathic, diseases with a shared clinical expression that we refer to as the “Neuro-Craneo-Vertebral Syndrome” or, when caused by the filum terminale, “Filum Disease”. 

At our Institut we currently apply the approach of the Filum System® on a daily basis with excellent results for the patients. 

We are now working towards forming the Filum System® teaching program as well as the body that will be teaching the program, the “Filum Academy Barcelona®” with the appropriate Spanish and European accreditations, the beginning of teaching being subject to their criteria and proceedings.

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Monday to Thursday: 9-18h (UTC +1)

Friday: 9-15h (UTC +1)

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Barcelona, España, CP 08034